Transform Education Program

Fundamental to our approach in Transform Education is working in collaboration with local teachers, valuing and respecting their experience and insights in school. In the education sector, Transform Education provides platforms for transforming both the quality and equity of educational opportunity. It accelerates the achievement of life-changing education targets by aligning efforts with UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4): to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

In rural northern Siem Reap we will cultivate Cambodia’s first Teacher Development Centres, partnering with other sector leaders and local Ministries of Education to provide hubs for capacity building, reflective learning, advocacy and research. These Communities of Practice hold immense power to drive improvement in quality teaching and learning in schools.

To sustainably improve public education standards and provide opportunities for all, we know that solutions must be locally led through a ground-up approach coupled with future-focused systemic reform. With the voices of teachers and school leaders underpinning all our interventions, we ensure that all change is Cambodian-driven.

The Transform Education Program intervention will be delivered through a number of integrated activities including educational Technology, child protection & safeguarding and cross-cutting themes & gender equality, in addition to the five interconnected Projects as follows:

Our Proven Impact

SeeBeyondBorders strives to increase the success of participating schools every year. In our schools, each year 12% more students are able to reach minimum maths proficiency – a testament to our sustainable and continuous improvement in the delivery of our projects.

Teacher effectiveness is transformed as measured by teacher skills scales. In SBB-supported schools during 2023, achievement of Level 2+ competency among maths teachers increased by 59%, while achievement of grade-appropriate maths test scores among their students increased by 41%.


The PISA-D Report in 2022 revealed that “only 8% of 15 year olds in Cambodia can be said to reach a baseline of performance in reading.”

We want to ensure that every child leaves school with the ability to read and write in their own language. The goal of the literacy project is to equip teachers with multiple literacy-teaching strategies, resources and on-going support for better student learning outcomes. We train teachers in effective literacy teaching methods, and develop and provide context-appropriate teaching resources while galvanising community support for education through literacy inspires events.

Maths Mentoring

Only 12% of 15-year-olds in Cambodia can be said to reach a baseline level of performance in mathematics according to the PISA-D Report in 2022.

The goal of the maths mentoring project is to establish the practice of effective teacher mentoring, creating a collaborative community of educators who share their best practices with one another to improve student learning outcomes. We produce quality teaching reference materials for teachers, including activity books for different maths concepts.

Teacher Development Centres (TDC)

Only 35% of Cambodian teachers have a higher education, with limited opportunities for teachers to experience and try out alternative methodologies that limit potential teacher development.

In 2024 we established two bespoke dedicated Teacher Development Centres in Northern Siem Reap. These centres support the effective Continuing Professional Development of teachers, mentors and school leaders through communities of practice. The Centres are shared learning platforms where collegial gatherings of committed teachers strive to enhance educational culture and practice within their sphere of influence.

Leadership in Learning

Only 6% of school principals have received training, so with limited opportunities for school principals and deputy principals to build and enhance their leadership skills opportunities must be created.

We are strengthening the capacity of 32 school leaders to lead progressive teaching and learning, both in the classroom and at the school level. We are helping school leaders to build community and school cultures which promotes improved teaching and learning outcomes.

Teacher Professional Identity (TPI)

Many teachers have a narrow understanding of their role, seeing teaching as a technical process of applying discipline and hierarchy.

Informed by the Professional Identity for Khmer Teachers (PIKT) research, teachers will explore their values, beliefs, and professional identity while learning about standards, ethics, and effective teaching practices. Teacher Professional Identity empowers teachers to identify and pursue their goals, creating their own professional development pathways to build their confidence, self-esteem and standing in their communities.